იწისქვეშა ურბანისტიკის ძირითადი საკითხები, თბილისის მეტროპოლიტენის მაგალითზე View larger
იწისქვეშა ურბანისტიკის ძირითადი საკითხები, თბილისის მეტროპოლიტენის მაგალითზე

Tatia Ghvineria: The main issues of underground urbanism, in the example of Tbilisi Metro

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The Tbilisi Public Art Fund is pleased to introduce new library section, showcasing artistic and scientific texts about art and urban spaces. The inaugural essay focuses on the Tbilisi metro, featuring research by Tatia Ghvineria, an expert in art history and cultural heritage.

In her study, Ghvineria examines key aspects of underground urbanism using the Tbilisi Metro as a case study. This includes the political context of its construction, its transportation function and technical specifications, characteristics of public spaces, architecture, public art, and the current condition of the metro. The guide also provides detailed descriptions of each station.

The research aims to highlight the development of transportation, architecture, and public art in Tbilisi, and to emphasize the importance of preserving metro stations as a significant part of the city's historical memory.

Follow the link to read the essay (click here).

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