Nato Bagrationi, Flowers for All View larger
Nato Bagrationi, Flowers for All

Nato Bagrationi, Flowers for All


= More info =

Tbilisi Public Art Fund is pleased to invite you to the winning proposal ‘Nato Bagrationi Flowers are for All’ for the open call ‘Promotion of Temporary Projects in Public Spaces, Tbilisi, Al. Gobronidze Str.1’.

Nato Bagrationi's installation presents us with a garden lost in urban chaos, inspired on the one hand by the magical and ephemeral, and on the other hand nourished by the visual language of self-organized existence so widespread in the same urban fabric.

‘Lately I was observing simple residential or shelter structures created by human hands, at the same time I was painting flowers, at some point I realised flowers were my refuge in nature’ - we read in the artist's statement. This very facile and romanticized vision in the work is connected toacute social problems, and as a result an installation is created that resonates with a multitude of discussion points.

The artist takes the very delicate and beautiful form of flowers, that she juxtaposes with the roughness and hardness of building materials. At the same time, she plays with scale and brings an entertainment element to the installation; Suddenly, the flower mutates and turns the viewer into an insect, giving children a new outlet for their imagination and opening up many opportunities to interact with the work. All this, in turn, completely transforms the transitory space, which is the current purpose of the chosen green island. Presented installation intrudes into the busy daily life of the passer-bys and offers a refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, offering a space for reflection and contemplation.

Nato Bagrationi (1990) received her education as an architect, but actively works in the visual arts as well as film industry. Her multidisciplinary practice often experiments with materials and forms of expression to explore the relationship between humans and nature. 
The artist is often exhibited in Georgia; she is a member of the organization ‘Obscura’ and of the shared space ‘Kurorti’.

Tbilis Public Art fund © 2023 all rights reserved.
Tbilisi Public Art Fund © 2023 ყველა უფლება დაცულია.